Fake News & Hate Speech

Here, you can find all materials for a workshop on fake news & hate speech developed by Maja Bogojević and Clara S. Thompson. It examines various challenges and forms of discrimination that arise when dealing with media, and how we can react to them. The material includes a manual and a presentation.
What is this workshop about?
The workshops aims to develop and strenghten participants’ media competence and digital awareness. It examines various challenges (e.g. newsworthiness, fake news) and forms of discrimination that arise when dealing with the media (e.g. hate speech). It also looks at how we can achieve a good, mindful way of dealing with media and even use it for our own purposes (e.g. democracy, activism, human dignity). The workshop is designed for young people aged between 14 and 18.
About the material
This workshop was developed by Maja Bogojević und Clara S. Thompson as part of their Media & Democracy Fellowship in 2020. The material is part of our “Media-Crash-Course“ but can also be used as a workshop of its own. Respective instructions can be found in the manual.