
Our team takes care of the day-to-day business. In close interaction with our target group, we create activities for young Europeans who participate in shaping society. In doing so, we rely on the diverse perspectives within the team and on a common ground.

Executive Director

  • Tomáš Sacher

    Executive Director
    Tomáš Sacher is responsible for the foundation's strategic and operational business and leads our diverse team. His aim is to further strengthen the foundation's European outlook and networks.  


  • Nadia Zitouni

    Team Lead Administration: Finances & HR
    Nadia Zitouni takes care of all financial matters and all questions relating to personnel.
  • Edel Coradi

    Edel manages and optimizes the organization’s IT resources and services.
  • Jürgen Hübner

    IT Systems Administrator
    Jürgen Hübner cares about technical infrastructure and IT.
  • Ilija Jerković

    Fundraising Manager
    Ilija Jerković is responsible for driving fundraising processes and coordinating partnership management in effort to rally resources and support for the vision of a Europe of openness, solidarity and democracy.
  • Judith Müller

    HR Manager
    Judith Müller is taking care of our team and is managing the HR department.
  • Alina Schneider

    Student Assistant Administration
    Alina appreciates the international environment of the foundation. Next to her studies, she supports the office management and the department human resources.
  • Xenia Seekircher

    Project Assistant for Finances
    Xenia Seekircher supports the finance department with conceptual and operational tasks.
  • João Silva

    Finances Officer
    João takes care of the bookkeeping and the daily income and expenses, keeping track of the numbers and many small steps in between.
  • Amélie Stobbe

    Assistent to the Managing Director
    Amélie supports the managing director and office management as a student assistant.
  • Dennis Vogel

    Project Manager IT and Office Management
    Dennis Vogel is responsible for ensuring an efficient work environment and assisting the IT department with technical issues.

Communication & Events

  • Friedrich Landenberger

    Head of Communication & Events
    Friedrich Landenberger is responsible for communicating our projects, topics & events to the outside world. It is particularly important to him to strenghten young, diverse voices and perspectives.
  • Emre Çoğlan

    Project Manager Communication
    Emre Çoğlan manages our social media channels as a communications manager and supports editorial work and content planning. An intersectional approach is particularly important to him.
  • Darius Elahi

    Project Manager Events
    Darius Elahi oversees events at the foundation. His goal is to create exciting and informative formats on various political topics.
  • Nicole Maas

    Student Assistant Events
    Nicole Maas supports the planning and realization of discussion events as a student assistant. Her primary focus is on organizing the Youth Congress for the European Election 2024 and coordinating the Schwarzkopf-Europe-Award ceremony.
  • Annika Seidel

    Project Manager Events & Awards
    As part of the foundation's event team, Annika Seidel ensures that the various event formats run smoothly. It is particularly important to her to amplify the voices of young people and create an inclusive, respectful environment where diverse perspectives are taken into account.
  • Sabiha Omar Rodshi

    Volunteer Communication
    Sabiha Omar Rodshi supports our external communication as a volunteer. Close to the target group, she helps us to stay up-to-date.
  • Luise Heemann

    Volunteer Events
    Luise Heemann actively supports the team as a volunteer in organising events and awards.

Young Postmigrant Alliances

  • Dr. Asmaa Soliman

    Programme Lead Young Islam Conference | Lead “Competence Network Living Together in the Migration Society”
    Dr. Asmaa Soliman is the head of the Young Islam Conference. She has researched, taught, and coordinated projects on Islam in Europe, diversity, and intercultural understanding. She leads the JIK with the goal of advancing peer education and the European focus even further.
  • Seren Başoğul

    Project Manager Network Young Islam Conference
    Seren Başoğul is an expert in the field of empowerment. She coordinates the networking activities of the Young Islam Conference and supports our diverse JIK members in getting involved. She is also responsible for the Summer Academy and, together with Caroline Haufe, for the Media Academy.
  • Caroline Haufe

    Communication Manager Young Islam Conference
    Caroline Haufe is responsible for public relations at the Young Islam Conference and implements the Media Academy together with Seren Başoğul.
  • Svea Klee

    Trainee Young Islam Conference
    Svea Klee works in the areas of Networks, Communications and Europeanisation. She focused on the intersectionality of different forms of discrimination during an internship at the Consortium on Gender Security and Human Rights and is currently studying International Relations at the University of Groningen.
  • Vinya Mehta

    Project Manager Outreach/Politics Young Islam Conference
    Vinya Mehta is responsible for outreach and policy at the Young Islam Conference. She studied politics, religion, gender studies and law in London and has expertise in migration and intersectional discrimination. Amplifying multiply marginalised anti-racist perspectives is particularly important in her advocacy work. 
  • Julia Steenpaß

    Project assistant Outreach/Politics Young Islam Conference
    Julia Steenpaß supports the Outreach and Policy department as a project assistant. She is currently studying Eastern European Studies and is working on international democratization processes and diversity in digital spaces. 

Understanding Europe

  • Lena Strehmann

    Programme Lead Understanding Europe
    Lena Strehmann leads the team of Understanding Europe. She is a trained diversity manager and works as a strategic thinker and participation expert on the future of the educational network.
  • Daniela Cappuccio

    Project Manager Understanding Europe
    Daniela Cappuccio is mainly responsible for the Coordinators, the Transnational Training for Trainers, and project evaluation of Understanding Europe. She is a lawyer and has been a volunteer of the network since 2016.
  • Moritz Littbarski

    Student Assistant Understanding Europe
    Moritz Littbarski supports Understanding Europe as a student assistant, in particular with the implementation of the European Summer School and public relations.
  • Simon Schlick

    Volunteer Understanding Europe
    Simon Schlick supports the Understanding Europe Team as a volunteer in their organizational work.

European Youth Parliament

  • Anya Suprunenko

    Executive Director European Youth Parliament
    Leading the team of the EYP’s International OfficeAnya turned her passion for youth engagement into profession. She coordinates the strategic and operative development of the network together with the youth-led international Board and represents the organisation towards external stakeholders and partners.
  • Iman Akboua

    Project Assistant European Youth Parliament
    Iman is responsible for communication and project support.
  • Saskia van Berloo

    Project Manager European Youth Parliament
    Saskia is responsible for the International Seesions of EYP, connecting young engaged people from all over Europe.
  • Luke Bishop

    ESC Volunteer European Youth Parliament
    Luke Bishop is responsible for training events, participant management, and the evaluation processes of International Sessions. These are flagship events bringing together young people from all over Europe to discuss and formulate solutions to issues affecting Europe in the current climate.
  • Conor Comiskey

    Project Assistant European Youth Parliament
    Conor Comiskey actively supports the team on all activities of the Climate Youth Action Plan and capacity building.
  • Anne Flotho-Liersch

    Project Manager European Youth Parliament
    Anne oversees the Climate Youth Action Plan, a network-wide initiative focused on European climate and energy policy and she works with alumni. Within her portfolio, she coordinates the EYP's activities related to climate projets and capacity building.
  • Michelle Poltier

    Project Manager European Youth Parliament
    Michelle Poltier coordinates all EYP events, projects, and activities linked to the European elections 2024. She is also responsible for the project management of the local European Youth Event (EYE) in Berlin.
  • Annelou Snippe

    Project Manager European Youth Parliament
    Annelou Snippe oversees the Youth Together for Arctic Futures project, which aims to connect and empower European and Arctic youth to advocate for good climate and nature policy.
  • Joshua FitzGerald

    ESC Volunteer European Youth Parliament
    Joshua FitzGerald facilitates the governance of the EYP Network. This includes organising the bi-annual Board of National Committees Meeting which gathers approximately 40 national EYP entities to discuss the policies and charter of the EYP, as well as the four annual Governing Body Meetings, where the EYP's youth board discuss the strategic direction of the Network. Joshua also manages the EYP's impact assessment through the EYP census, and provides general support to EYP members and national entities.
  • Nadja Brandt

    Project Manager European Youth Parliament
    As a project manager with a background in media production for young audiences, Nadja Brandt is responsible for the human rights project FOCUS, as well as the regularly occurring capacity building events for young people in the EYP network.
  • Zoja Šušteršič

    Zoja Šušteršič supports EYP team as an intern, particularly in the Arctic Youth Project and the governance of the EYP-network.
  • Luka Đorđević

    ESC Volunteer European Youth Parliament
    Luka Đorđević supports the communication channels of the EYP, overseeing and creating posts for social media, creating content for the website, and managing communications inboxes. Luka also helps with capturing and creating content for overall programmes organised by the EYP's International Office.
  • Beatriz Oliveira Pedroso

    ESC Voluntaree European Youth Parliament
    Beatriz is working with the human rights project FOCUS and for the regular events on competence development for young people in the EYP network.
