The Schwarzkopf Foundation and its programmes are financed by grants and donations. You can support our work with your donation or by becoming a member of our circle of friends.
The Circle of Friends supports the work of the Foundation, secures the infrastructure of the organisation and bridges various grassroots areas such as science, art and politics. The chairperson of the Circle of Friends is Sophie Rois. The head of the Circle of Friends is Svenja Kluckow.
If you are interested, we cordially invite you to learn more about the Circle of Friends and become a member.
We empower young people to actively participate in society.
In the youth organisation European Youth Parliament, the educational network Understanding Europe, or the dialogue forum Young Islam Conference.
We promote commitment against anti-Semitism, racism and right-wing extremism.
In the Young Ambassadors Against Antisemitism project, we educate young people on the topic of anti-Semitsm. In the networks Postmigrant Europe and the Young Islam Conference, young people from different backgrounds shape the migration society in which they want to live.
You can find all of the foundation’s projects here.
Or take a look at our brochure, in which we introduce you to the foundation based on its mission, current numbers and activities.