Events Archive

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    Free Spaces vs. Freedom Spaces – the Fight for LGBTIQ* Rights in the EU

    Mit Terry Reintke

    Terry Reintke ist seit 2014 Abgeordnete der Grünen/EFA-Fraktion im Europäischen Parlament und Co-Vorsitzende der LGBTI Intergroup. In dieser Funktion setzt sie sich insbesondere für die Anerkennung der Rechte von LGBTIQ* Personen in der EU ein. Das diese Rechte noch immer keine Selbstverständlichkeit in der EU sind zeigen die jüngsten Entwicklungen in Polen und Ungarn.

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    Ending Female Genital Mutilation – a global fight for basic human rights

    Mit Alya Harding

    Even though it is internationally recognized as a grave human rights violation Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) is still happening to millions of girls worldwide. Often seen as an “African problem” many people aren’t aware that hundreds of thousands of women and girls in Europe are at risk of undergoing it (…)

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    Transgender Rights are Human Rights

    Mit Farah Abdi

    Despite the dramatic progress of the transgender movement in the last decade, resulting in greater public awareness and significant legal victories, trans people continue to face blatant discrimination, high levels of violence and poor health outcomes. What is the situation for trans people today and what needs to be done to improve it? Farah Abdi, feminist, blogger, author, journalist, human rights activist, motivational speaker, youth education advocate and a 26 year old Somali transgender refugee living in Berlin, is our guest.

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    Online Panel Discussion: “#GoingViral: How young Europeans can foster democratic values in the digital space”

    Discussing online youth activism, its challenges and opportunities, the panellists will question the assumption of the internet as a great equalizer, which enables digital (youth) participation in democracies around Europe: What does online youth activism mean? How accessible is digital youth activism? How can digital youth activism be more visible and influential for political decision-making?
