Events Archive

  • Online

    Online Talk: “What can be done against classism?”

    Mit Francis Seeck

    Classism refers to discrimination based on presumed or real social origin and/or social and economic position. Howeher those affected often do not realise for a long time that their experiences are not individual ones but systematic discrimination, simply because the concept and term of classism are not yet very well known. How can one counteract classism? We are looking forward to discussing these and other questions with you and Francis Seeck.

  • Online

    Online Talk: “How to keep Europe’s competition fair?”

    Mit Margrethe Vestager

    As European Commissioner for competition, the Danish politician Margrethe Vestager acts as the frontwoman of the EUs effort to keep its competition as fair as possible and became widely known for taking the fight against big tech companies outplaying the small ones.

  • Paulinenhof of the Schwarzkopf Foundation, Sophienstraße 28/29, 10178 Berlin

    European Courtyard Party 2022

    We are very pleased to be able to celebrate with you after three years. Finally, we can again welcome members of our youth networks, numerous partners, friends, participants and alumni to the Paulinenhof and celebrate the 50th anniversary of the foundation last year: We invite you to the European Courtyard Party (…)

  • ©Pierre Vachaudez

    EU Politics in Transition – Vision of a Feminist European Parliament

    Mit Hannah Neumann

    With Ursula von der Leyen, the European Parliament for the first time has a woman as Commission President, and yet with the current rate of increase in women’s representation in the EU Parliament, it would still take 25 years to achieve gender parity. Even though gender equality is a declared (…)

  • Online

    Free Spaces vs. Freedom Spaces – the Fight for LGBTIQ* Rights in the EU

    Mit Terry Reintke

    Terry Reintke ist seit 2014 Abgeordnete der Grünen/EFA-Fraktion im Europäischen Parlament und Co-Vorsitzende der LGBTI Intergroup. In dieser Funktion setzt sie sich insbesondere für die Anerkennung der Rechte von LGBTIQ* Personen in der EU ein. Das diese Rechte noch immer keine Selbstverständlichkeit in der EU sind zeigen die jüngsten Entwicklungen in Polen und Ungarn.

  • Online

    Ending Female Genital Mutilation – a global fight for basic human rights

    Mit Alya Harding

    Even though it is internationally recognized as a grave human rights violation Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) is still happening to millions of girls worldwide. Often seen as an “African problem” many people aren’t aware that hundreds of thousands of women and girls in Europe are at risk of undergoing it (…)
