A radically new concept of freedom? - "Bleibefreiheit" with Eva von Redecker

Rarely has freedom been discussed so intensively as in the pandemic: the freedom to travel, to move around unrestrictedly, to meet people wherever you want. But how sustainable is such a spatially defined concept of freedom as we face times when places to live are dwindling and climate crises or wars are making whole swathes of land uninhabitable? In her new book „Bleibefreiheit“, philosopher Eva von Redecker therefore thinks of freedom in a completely new way: as the freedom to live in a place where we could stay.

Eva von Redecker is a philosopher and freelance author. She has conducted research at Humboldt University Berlin, Cambridge University, the New School for Social Research in New York and the University of Verona. Eva von Redecker deals with critical theory, feminism and the critique of capitalism, writes articles for „Die ZEIT“, among others, and can be heard regularly in radio and TV interviews. Since autumn 2022, she has been hosting the philosophical discussion series „Eva and the Apple“ at Schauspiel Köln.

We are delighted that Eva von Redecker will be our guest on 4 July 2023. Together with you and Eva von Redecker we want to discuss the following and other questions: How is „lead freedom“ to be understood? Why should we think about a new concept of freedom? What role do global crises like the climate catastrophe or armed conflicts play here? Can the new freedom be justly distributed?

We look forward to your participation. Please register by 03.07.2023.

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