Connected Through Cypher – Filmvorführung und Podiumsgespräch

We invite you to the Berlin premiere of Loubna Doudouh’s short film, followed by a discussion!

In the early 1970s, a term shaped the beginnings of Hip-Hop culture: „Cypher.“ The term originates from the Arabic word „sifr“ (zero) and describes the gathering and improvisation of multiple Hip-Hop artists in a circular formation. The Cypher represents a safe space for equal exchange and provides the collective framework for the expression of thoughts, moods, and feelings.

Fifty years after the birth of Hip-Hop, the short film “Connected through Cypher” by Loubna Doudouh, presented in an experimental-documentary style, demonstrates how different people from the Ruhr area – a region known for Germany’s diversity and migration history – utilize the Cypher as part of their artistic and social exchange. We want to celebrate the Berlin premiere of the short film! The film was created as part of the 2022 Media Academy of the Young Islam Conference and has already been invited and awarded at several film festivals, including the Berlin Short Film Festival, the Buenos Aires International Film Festival, and the Female Filmmakers Festival.

In the following discussion with the film’s director, Loubna Doudouh, film scholar and filmmaker Canan Turan, and artist, dancer, and choreographer Kadir ‚amigo‘ Memiş, we aim to transfer the concept of the Cypher to questions about coexistence and discuss access, diversity, and safe(r) spaces in the arts and culture. Together, we will explore questions such as: What significance does the Cypher and the idea of a protected space hold in Hip-Hop today? What challenges and opportunities do BPoC (Black and People of Color) cultural creators experience, and what barriers do they encounter in the media, music, and dance industries?

Loubna Doudouh holds a degree in International Relations and works in the fields of political education, empowerment, and media literacy. Born and raised as a person of Moroccan descent in the Ruhr area, Loubna Doudouh has always asked questions about identity, belonging, and social cohesion. She is also committed to combating the underrepresentation of Women of Color and their stories. After various video campaigns, “Connected through Cypher” is her first short film in an experimental-documentary style.

Canan Turan is a film scholar, filmmaker, curator, and moderator. Her focus is on diversity, anti-discrimination, and representation in culture, media, and film. Canan studied film studies at the Free University of Berlin and documentary filmmaking at Goldsmiths College, London. In addition to her own productions, she has curated numerous film programs, panel discussions, workshops, and other events, including for the Duhok International Film Festival, Atelier Gardens, AKE DIKHEA? International Festival of Romani Film, and the DFF – German Film Institute & Filmmuseum. This year, she is the co-curator of the German Competition at the interfilm International Short Film Festival Berlin and is curating the focus program „Das *andere* deutsche Kino“ there.

Kadir ‚amigo‘ Memiş is a dancer, choreographer, and co-founder of the Hip-Hop group “Flying Steps”, with which he became a four-time Breakdance world champion. In Germany, he was one of the first to combine Hip-Hop with other elements, incorporating elements of traditional Turkish folk dance Zeybek with Breakdance. He also frequently works with calligraphy and graffiti. He has been active in the street art scene for many years and has realized exhibition projects with artists such as Banksy, Obey, Akim, and Dtagno. He has developed choreographies and performances for numerous venues, including the Ballhaus Naunynstraße, Hebbel am Ufer, Tanzhafenfestival Linz, and the [NADAR’ART] Festival for Dance and Visual Art in Rabat, Morocco.

This event will be moderated by Nuriani Hamdan.

Connected Through Cypher – a film by Loubna Doudouh, with the support of Arman Marvani and Benjamin Kahlmeyer. The event will be conducted in German and is accessible without barriers. The number of seats is limited. We kindly request binding registration by September 28th online on the Young Islam Conference’s website or via

The film screening followed by a panel discussion is a collaborative event by the Young Islam Conference and the Schwarzkopf Foundation Young Europe.

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