The Greens and Europe – Goals and Perspectives

We are very pleased to invite you to the discussion “The Greens and Europe – Goals and Perspectives” with Omid Nouripour. The event will take place on 26.06.2024 at 17.00 at the Schwarzkopf Foundation Young Europe, Sophienstraße 28/29, 10178 Berlin.

The 2024 European elections are history, and the Greens have suffered massive losses in Germany compared to the last European elections. The Greens have lost votes among young people in particular. While a good 30% of under-30s voted for the Greens in 2019, in 2024 this figure was less than half, at around 12%. At the same time, right-wing and far-right parties have achieved some alarmingly strong results, not only in Germany, and could gain significantly greater influence at European level. Under these circumstances, the question arises as to what goals the Greens are now pursuing for the upcoming legislative period in Europe, what prospects they have for implementing their core concerns and how they can succeed in winning back a young electorate.

We are pleased to welcome Omid Nouripour, Federal Chairman of Bündnis 90/Die Grünen, to the Schwarzkopf Foundation Young Europe on Wednesday, June 26 at 5:00 pm.

Together with you and Omid Nouripour, we want to discuss the following and other questions: What goals do the Greens have for the current legislative period of the European Parliament and how should these be implemented? How do the Greens want to reach more young people again? What are the possible reasons for the poor performance of the Green parties in Europe? What consequences can be derived from this for the future? What does the election result mean for the achievements of the last legislative periods?

We look forward to your participation. We kindly ask you to register online by 25.06.2024.

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