European Courtyard Festival 2023

We are looking forward to another addition of our traditional European Courtyard Festival! We cordially invite you, your family and friends to celebrate together with the team of the Schwarzkopf Foundation on Saturday, 24 June 2023 from 2 to 5 pm.

Get to know all our programme areas while enjoying drinks and some music. Come and meet with members from the teams and our different networks. Meet public figures who are committed to Europe and join us in a toast to our European projects. We are also looking forward to welcoming Mikuláš Lakatoš, who will be awarded Young European of the Year 2023 during the Courtyard Festival.

For better planning, we ask for a binding registration. We are looking forward to seeing you!


14:00   Start


  • Welcome: André Schmitz-Schwarzkopf, Chairman of the Board, and Tomáš Sacher, Executive Director Schwarzkopf Foundation Young Europe
  • Greeting: Florian Hauer, State Secretary for Federal and European Affairs and International Affairs, Plenipotentiary of the State of Berlin to the Federal Government
  • Award ceremony,  Mikuláš Lakatoš, Young European of the Year 2023

17:00   End


To create a safer atmosphere, there will be an experienced person on site throughout the courtyard festival to listen to you and give support if needed. There will also be an awareness room where you can retreat.


Although the courtyard is accessible at ground level, it has limited accessibility due to its cobblestones. The restrooms also have limited accessibility. There will be no sign translation.