Free Spaces vs. Freedom Spaces - the Fight for LGBTIQ* Rights in the EU

By a clear majority, the European Parliament declared the entire European Union an „LGBTIQ* Free Space“ in March 2021. This was prompted, among other things, by the law restricting free information about homosexuality and transsexuality that came into force in Hungary in July 2021 and the designation of „LGBT-free zones“ in Polish municipalities. Both events were part of a broad attack on the LGBTIQ* community in both countries, which also included a growing amount of public hate speech and attacks and bans on Pride marches. Although some of the zones in Poland have been formally dismantled in recent months following pressure from the EU and civil society, this shows that recognition of the rights of LGBTIQ* people in the EU is still not a given. Enforcing and monitoring these rights is the mission of Terry Reintke, MEP of the Greens/EFA Group in the European Parliament since 2014 and co-chair of the LGBTI Intergroup.

What is the situation in the two countries today and how is it shaping up across the EU? What dangers and discrimination do people in the LGBTIQ* community face? What is the European Parliament already doing to protect them and where is there room for improvement? What room for maneuver does the EU have with its current competences to enforce its values against the member states? We want to discuss these and other questions with you and Terry Reintke. Erik Jödicke will be the moderator.

We are looking forward to your participation. We kindly ask you to register online or by e-mail by 22.02.2022. You will receive the access data on the day of the event. The online talk will take place via Zoom, the prerequisite is Internet access preferably via PC, tablet or smartphone. Participation via telephone is possible with limited use. Questions can be asked both in writing and verbally during the talk