Gastarbeit 2.0 - this time for real? Young perspectives on the new skilled labour immigration law

Germany is dependent on the immigration of foreign skilled workers. The Federal Government now wants to intensify its efforts in this regard and further develop the Skilled Workers Immigration Act. But who is allowed to come, how can good cooperation be achieved and is Germany at all attractive for skilled workers today?

In order to shape the future, it is worth taking a look at history: about 60 years ago, there was also a shortage of labour, so that recruitment agreements were concluded between Germany and Turkey, Greece, Spain and Italy. Several million guest workers contributed to the „economic miracle“, many of them stayed longer than originally thought and are now part of German society.

Today, there is a shortage of skilled workers in many sectors of the economy in Germany and skilled workers are specifically sought. What lessons have been learned from the findings of the last decades? What is supposed to work better in the skilled labour immigration law than in the recruitment agreements of the 1960s and is the law sufficient to counteract the shortage of skilled labour?

We would like to discuss these and other questions with you as well as Tuba Bozkurt (Member of the Bundestag Bündnis 90/Die Grünen), Dr. Martin Manzel (specialist lawyer for migration law) and Joana Marta Sommer (consultant for migration and integration at the Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung) under the moderation of Aylin Olmus (German-Turkish Young Diplomats).

We look forward to your participation. Please register online by 23 March 2023.

This event will be held in German.

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