Housing - The new social issue of our time?

We are delighted to welcome Dr Andrej Holm to the Foundation on 5 December at 5:15 pm to discuss housing as the new social issue of our time.

Anyone who has ever looked for a flat in Berlin knows how tight the housing market currently is. This development is by no means limited to Berlin: rising housing and energy costs, the decline in the construction of social housing, high rents and housing shortages are a burden for more and more people in Germany and Europe. There is a consensus across all political camps that urgent action must be taken to tackle the housing crisis.

At EU level, an EU Commissioner responsible for housing and energy has now been appointed for the first time in the form of Dan Jørgensen from Denmark, who is to develop a European plan to reduce energy costs and expand social housing. This also appears to be sorely needed, as the situation has worsened across Europe in recent years despite the general awareness of the crisis on the housing market. We are therefore very pleased to welcome Dr Andrej Holm, social scientist and expert on housing and European urban policy, to the Foundation on Thursday, 5 December 2024.

Together with you and Andrej Holm, we would like to discuss the following questions, among others: How can the cost of housing be regulated across Europe? What political measures have been taken so far and are necessary in the future? To what extent must the issues of energy and housing be considered together? How can Germany and the EU get out of the housing shortage? What best practices from other European countries could be transferred to Germany? How can social housing projects be financed and maintained in the long term?

We look forward to your participation. We ask for a binding online registration by 05.12.2024.

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