Online talk in German: "What can be done against classism?"

With our guest Francis Seeck we will talk about different dimensions of classism and its impact on the education system and other parts of everyday life. Francis Seeck, cultural anthropologist and author, campaigns against the promotion of social inequality through classism.

Classism refers to discrimination based on presumed or real social origin and/or social and economic position. Classism is mostly directed against persons of a „lower class“. In particular, people who are homeless, unemployed, working class and poor are excluded. Classism is a form of social oppression, like racism or sexism, and it permeates all areas of society.

Whether in the housing market, in health care or in the education system, classism is omnipresent and powerful. Often, however, those affected do not realise for a long time that their experiences are not individual experiences, but rather systematic discrimination, because the concept and term of classism are not yet very widespread. Meanwhile, TV series continue to reproduce clichés and prejudices about members of the „lower class“ without reflection. In politics, too, there is little lobby for the issue, since, among other things, there are hardly any members of the Bundestag who have not studied.

What exactly is classism and in what forms does it manifest itself? How can we counteract classism? How can you identify classism in everyday life and how can you work against internalised prejudices? How do stereotypical attributions affect the thinking and actions of those affected? Does classism always have to be thought of intersectionally or can it also be seen as a single form of discrimination? We want to discuss these and other questions with you and Francis Seeck.

We look forward to your participation. Please register by 10th October 2022.