The Young Jury
The Young Jury advised the award from 2018 to 2023 by selecting projects that were particularly worthy of an award. The members met every year for a training seminar in Berlin.
The Margot Friedländer Prize was awarded from 2014 to 2023 by the Schwarzkopf Foundation in collaboration with Margot Friedländer to young people who engage in their own interactive projects dealing with the Holocaust, its testimony, transmission, and historical continuity. The goal was to support young individuals in actively opposing contemporary forms of antisemitism, racism, anti-Roma sentiment, as well as exclusion, and advocating for a pluralistic migration society
Named after the Holocaust survivor Margot Friedländer, the prize keeps the memory of the crimes of National Socialism alive, even in younger generations. The Schwarzkopf Foundation Young Europe contributed to this by providing prize money and educational support for the awarded project ideas.
Starting in 2024, the prize will no longer be awarded by the Schwarzkopf Foundation but by the Margot Friedländer Foundation. Please direct all inquiries regarding this matter to the new foundation.
“What is this award for? It is not for a success in sports or a good essay that you have written. It is rather a recognition of something infinitely important – for your human commitment. Speak your mind! Be vigilant! Be human!”
Margot Friedländer and the award winners 2023 © Schore Mehrdju
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The award ceremony in November 2022
2022: The Gesamtschule Waldbröl is honored with the Ralph Bendheim Prize for their project "Of mice and cats – anti-semitism in and around Waldbröl."
2022: The Ernst-Göbel-Schule from Höchst im Odenwald is awarded the prize for their project "Jewish life in Höchst im Odenwald: Creating awareness – lasting and contemporary."
2022: The RBZ Wirtschaft in Kiel is awarded the prize for their project "a historical city tour to explore jewish lifeworlds between emancipation, persecution and revival after World War II."
2022: The Franz-Ludwig-Gymnasium in Bamberg is awarded the prize for their documentary film "One Class - many fates: Youth in National Socialism."
2022: The Kerpenschule in Illingen is awarded the prize for their project "From 'Rukeli' Trollmann via Arnold Fortuin to us - Sinti in Illingen."
2021: The Johann-Conrad-Schlaun Vocational College in Warburg is awarded the prize for the "Unforgotten Podcast".
2021: The award is presented to the Humboldt School in Leipzig for its project "Traces in the Cityscape - Persecution and Expropriation of Jewish Leipzigers."
2021: The prize is awarded to SBH-Südost GmbH in Halle for its "Diary of Feelings" project.
2020: The award goes to the Freie Schule Anhalt in Köthen-Sachsen Anhalt for the project “Paths of Remembrance - Traces of Jewish Life in Köthen”.
2020: The prize is awarded to the Elly-Heuss-Knapp-Realschule in Cologne for the project “Picture books against forgetting”.
2020: The prize is awarded to the Gymnasium Süderelbe in Neugraben, Hamburg, for the project “Remembering the 500 imprisoned Jewish women of the concentration camp Neugraben”.
2020: A recognition prize was awarded to the Kurfürst Joachim Friedrich Gymnasium Wolmirstedt in Saxony-Anhalt for the project “The Stranded Train" - Fates to be Remembered”.
2019: The award goes to the project “Paths of Remembrance in the Municipality of Nohfelden” by the Stolperstein-AG of the Gemeinschaftsschule Nohfelden, Saarland.
2019: The award goes to the project “Getting Stones Rolling” at the Martin Buber Schule in Giessen.
2019: The exhibition project “Expulsions into exile - the first expatriation list of the National Socialists from August 1933” of the Heinrich Böll Schule Hattersheim was awarded.
2018: The award goes to the app-project “Only together can we remember - encounter - respect” of the Joseph-Carlebach-Stadtteilschule from Hamburg.
2018: Award goes to the research project “The Sinti in Braunschweig, yesterday, today and tomorrow” of the Nibelungen-Realschule Braunschweig, Lower Saxony.
2018: The award goes to the themed issue of the students' newspaper “NEVER AGAIN! - Nie wieder!” of the secondary school "An der Mulde" in Rochlitz, Saxony.
2017: The “Moving Sculptures” project by pupils of the Carl-Bosch-Oberschule Berlin was awarded a prize.
2017: Award for the project “Sog nit kejnmol” by pupils of the Gottfried-Keller-Gymnasium in Berlin.
2016: The “Archive-AG” project by pupils of the Hermann-Ehlers-Gymnasium in Berlin is awarded a prize.
2016: Award goes to the hip hop project “Human Family” of the Georg-Büchner-Gymnasium Berlin.
2016: The “Memorial to Jewish Citizens” project of the Löcknitz Primary School in Berlin is awarded a prize.
2015: Award for the app-project of the State Ballet School Berlin and School of Artistry.