Study: Critiques and Visions for a Post-Migrant Society“
The new JIK study “Critique and vision of a post-migrant society” presents impulses and recommendations from young network members on living together in our post-migrant society.
We create access to a pluralistic Europe. Our programmes produce publications and educational materials on the topics of migration societies, Europe, democratic citizenship education and youth participation. All materials are available here and can be used for your own purposes.
The new JIK study “Critique and vision of a post-migrant society” presents impulses and recommendations from young network members on living together in our post-migrant society.
Understanding Europe has published its 2021 Educational Briefing entitled “Going digital together: pathways to inclusive citizenship education online”. It explores opportunities and challenges of digital (peer) education and summarises hands-on experiences gathered during the second year of the pandemic. The articles have been written by young European educators as well as by academics.
This publication was created within the framework of “Young Opinions on the Future of Europe”, a project run by European Youth Parliament (EYP) with the support of the European Parliament. The “Young Opinions on the Future of Europe” project aims to amplify youth voices and opinions on the future of Europe, as well as to connect young European citizens by involving them in the upcoming Conference on the Future of Europe.
Engagement is systemically relevant, promotes social cohesion and thus democracy. Engagement changes as the world changes - digitalisation, global challenges and the post-growth society will continue to shape the engagement landscape in the future. New forms of engagement can already be identified. We have taken a closer look at this change and described it in an impulse paper.
This handbook is the result of the 2021 postmigrant educational journey and provides the opportunity to others who engage in formal and non-formal educational settings to start or continue addressing topics and debates relevant to Europe’s migration societies.
In their workshop, Gabriela Mayungu and Firas Hallak address discriminatory language and images in media coverage. The goal of their workshop is to develop a critical view of dominant narratives in the media and to strengthen digital media skills of young people.
This workshop by Naz Al-Windi and Fanus Ghorjani introduces young people to the topic of algorithms. It aims to draw attention to the fact that algorithms fundamentally change and structure the democratic public sphere and have great influence on opinion-forming and decision-making processes.
This workshop by Davit Manukyan seeks to empower young people to exercise active citizenship on digital platforms they are used to. It draws from the assumptions that many young people have the willingness to be more politically active, however, lack capacity to seize the opportunities provided by digital spaces.
This workshop by Farah Abdi tackles the problem of mis- and underrepresentation of marginalised groups by encouraging young people to use social networks as platforms to organize and to advocate for diversity and inclusion.