Report: „How to change the narrative on Muslims in Europe“

In this report, the Young Islam Conference summarizes the concept and structure of its academy, presents important findings from the campaign work and examines the effectiveness of the newly developed narratives on Muslims in Europe.

The first year of the Narrative Change Academy has come to an end. In its newly published report, the Young Islam Conference answers the following questions: What did we learn, what surprised us, what do we want to do differently next time? What recommendations for action can we give to civil society organizations from all over Europe that are active in the field of migration and anti-racism and want to use the narrative change approach to leave their own bubble?

The pilot year of the Narrative Change Academy ran until February 2024. In several workshops in Berlin as well as additional digital sessions, the participants from France, the UK and Germany acquired skills in strategic communication, especially digital campaigning, and, working with experts, develop a digital campaign with value-oriented, post-migrant, inclusive narratives about Muslims: @unbox_stories

The academy works with the Narrative Change approach. This approach addresses the “movable middle” and focusses on values, concerns, and personal stories. This approach forms an important basis for genuine dialogue and democratic coexistence. The trained Narrative Change Ambassadors are the first members of a European postmigrant alumni network that will grow year by year and contribute in the long run to enable a broader presence of value-based, post-migrant, inclusive narratives across Europe.