Events Archive

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    Shrinking civic spaces in Europe – Perspectives from Georgia and beyond

    Mit Evija Kotan (Politische Referentin der EU-Delegation in Georgien), Ann Tsurtsumia (EYP Georgien), Ana Datiashvili (EYP Georgien), Giorgi Tabagari (EYP-Alumnus und Aktivist), Janis Fifka (Mitglied des internationalen Boards des EYP-Netzwerks)

    The Parliament of Georgia, after initially passing the draft law “On Transparency of Foreign Influence” despite public opposition and international apprehension, ultimately decided to reject the law on March 10th following several days of protests by thousands of citizens in Tbilisi. The proposed bill had been widely criticised for restricting (…)

  • Schwarzkopf-Stiftung, Sophienstraße 28/29, 10178 Berlin

    Gastarbeit 2.0 – or correctly this time? Perspectives on the new skilled labour immigration law

    Mit Tuba Bozkurt (MdA, Bündnis 90/Die Grünen), Dr. Martin Manzel (specialist lawyer for migration law) and Joana Marta Sommer (consultant for migration and integration at the Friedrich-Ebert-Foundation)

    Germany is dependent on the immigration of foreign skilled workers. The Federal Government now wants to intensify its efforts in this regard and further develop the Skilled Workers Immigration Act. But who is allowed to come, how can good cooperation be achieved and is Germany at all attractive for skilled (…)

  • Schwarzkopf-Stiftung, Sophienstr. 28/29, 10178 Berlin

    Between Tesla and coal mining – structural transformation in Brandenburg

    With the opening of the Tesla Gigafactory in Grünheide in Brandenburg in March 2022, an important and future-oriented global corporation has settled in Brandenburg, underlining Brandenburg's ambitions as an attractive industrial location. At the same time, the coal region of Brandenburg's Lausitz is in the midst of a structural transformation away from the coal industry, which has become even more topical with the decision to phase out coal energy by 2038 at the latest. We are pleased to welcome Matthias Platzeck, former Minister President of Brandenburg, as our guest on 09.03.2023 at 17:30. Together with you and Matthias Platzeck, we would like to discuss structural transformation in Brandenburg.

  • Schwarzkopf Foundation, Sophienstr. 28/29, 10178 Berlin

    Culture (and its Politics) in Times of Crisis – Between the Corona Pandemic and the Energy Crisis

    Mit Claudia Roth, Minister of State for Culture and Media

    In view of multiple current crises, cultural policy is confronted with the question of what role cultural institutions and cultural organisers can and should play in times of such crises, and how cultural policy can support them in this. Claudia Roth, Minister of State for Culture and Media, will be our guest on this topic on 6 March 2023.

  • PalaisPopulaire, Unter den Linden 5, 10117 Berlin

    Permanent Conflict and Alienation? – German-Polish relations put to the test

    Mit Arndt Freiherr Freytag von Loringhoven, Botschafter a.D.

    The question arises as to how Germany intends to stabilise the bilateral relationship with Poland and what impact the conflict will have on the EU. On this topic, we are pleased to welcome Freiherr Arndt Freytag von Loringhoven, former German Ambassador to Poland (2020 to 2022), as our guest.

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    Behind the scenes of Wahl-O-Mat

    For many voters, filling out the Wahl-O-Mat of the Bundeszentrale für politische Bildung is part of the election process. Whether out of curiosity, as a decision-making aid or out of general political interest. Accordingly, the Wahl-O-Mat has established itself as an offer to help voters make their decision. Over the (…)
