Exhibition: “Young Perspectives on Social Injustices in Europe”

We are pleased to invite you to the exhibition vernissage "Young Perspectives on Social Injustices in Europe" at the Berlin city hall, Rotes Rathaus. The exhibition will be accessible free of charge, without registration, from February 14, 2024, to March 1, 2024, Monday to Friday, from 9:00 AM to 6:00 PM.

Thinking of Europe, what areas of transformation do young people see as most important? – We asked trainers of the educational network Understanding Europe this question. What do they identify as the most pressing issues of today’s society? Besides mentioning the climate crisis and its consequences, as well as digitalization and technology, young people addressed social injustices as the most relevant topic to them. The upcoming elections of the European parliament this summer will be a decisive moment for young people around Europe. Through an exhibition of Photovoices, we are therefore sharing young Europeans needs and visions to create a just and inclusive Europe.

In the framework of our collaboration “Thinking of Europe in Times of Transformation” with Alfred Herrhausen Gesellschaft, we will be presenting Photovoices of the Understanding Europe network members in an exhibition. Photovoices, consisting of a photo and a text fragment, give insights into experiences and perspectives of young people from Armenia to Portugal, from France to Ukraine. Through the lens of photography and writing, the young network members make pressing issues and daily experiences visible to the audience. A publication gathers the Photovoices to inspire further dialogue on social justice in Europe and highlights the areas of transformation to create a diverse and pluralistic Europe.

The exhibiton is on display in the entrance hall of Rotes Rathaus Berlin (entering from the main portal). If you want to access the exhibiton barrier-free, please get in touch with the staff of the city hall. The exhibition will be accessible free of charge, without registration, from February 13, 2024, to March 1, 2024, Monday to Friday, from 9:00 AM to 6:00 PM.

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