Rethinking development policy? - Feminist development policy

We are delighted to invite you to our discussion event „Rethinking development policy? – Feminist development policy“ with Federal Minister Svenja Schulze. The event will take place on May 22, 2024 at the Schwarzkopf Foundation, Sophienstraße 28/29, 10178 Berlin.

In March 2023, the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) presented a new strategy in terms of a feminist development policy that contributes to dWe are delighted to invite you to our discussion event „Rethinking development policy? – Feminist development policy“ with Federal Minister Svenja Schulze. equal participation of all people in social, political and economic life. Women, girls and people from the LGBTQI+ community are still disadvantaged and discriminated against worldwide. In some countries, women cannot even open their own bank accounts, pursue the profession of their choice or inherit land. At the same time, women and girls worldwide still do the majority of unpaid care work, which limits their opportunities to earn their own income, education and independence. Yet studies confirm that global poverty would decrease if there were more equality. For example, 150 million fewer people would go hungry if women in the Global South had the same rights and opportunities as men.

What sounds so good in theory is not so easy to put into practice. We are therefore delighted that the Federal Minister for Economic Cooperation and Development, Svenja Schulze, will be our guest on Wednesday, May 22, to talk to us about feminist development policy. We would like to discuss the following questions with you and Federal Minister Svenja Schulz: What exactly is meant by feminist development policy and to what extent does it represent an innovation? What are the goals of feminist development policy and how can these be achieved? Have initial successes already been achieved? Are there similar approaches and strategies in other European countries?

We look forward to your participation. We ask for a binding online registration by 21.05.2024.

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