The EU enlargement as a geopolitical necessity?

We are pleased to welcome Dr. Anna Lührmann, Minister of State for Europe and Climate at the Federal Foreign Office, at the PalaisPopulaire on November 21, 2023 at 5:30 PM, together with the Alfred Herrhausen Society.

During a meeting of EU foreign ministers in Tirana, Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock expressed that the EU enlargement to include the Western Balkans is “a geopolitical necessity” due to the Russian war of aggression against Ukraine and at the same time “one of our strongest security instruments”. The discussion on EU enlargement has been emphasized several times in the importance within the Federal Government. At the same time, the debate focuses on the implementation of fundamental reforms and the resolution of conflicts in the respective countries. In late September, tensions flared up again between Kosovo and Serbia when Serbian paramilitary forces attacked Kosovar police officers.

However, the EU not only wants to offer a perspective in the European Union to the countries of the Western Balkans. Ukraine, the Republic of Moldova, and Georgia are also intended to be integrated into the EU. Not least to gain a stronger presence in Eastern Europe in the face of Russian aggression.

For a successful EU enlargement, not only reforms by the candidate countries are necessary, but the European Union itself must also take action. Institutional reforms are needed, especially regarding the size of the Commission, the European Parliament, and the veto right, before further countries join the EU.

We are delighted to welcome Dr. Anna Lührmann, Minister of State for Europe and Climate at the Federal Foreign Office, on this topic. Together with you and Dr. Anna Lührmann, we want to discuss the following and other questions: What reforms are needed in the European Union for successful EU enlargement? What are the major obstacles that still need to be resolved before joining the EU? What conflicts need to be resolved in the respective regions and how can this be achieved?

We are very much looking forward to your participation. Please register bindingly by November 20, 2023, online or by email to Darius Elahi or Christopher Büdeker

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