What if Big Brother is watching you? - State surveillance between chat control and state trojan

We are very pleased to invite you to the discussion event „What if Big Brother is watching you? – State surveillance between chat control and state trojan“ with Anna Biselli, Co-Editor-in-Chief at netzpolitik.org, on Tuesday, December 5, 2023, at 5:30 p.m. at the Schwarzkopf Foundation, Sophienstr. 28/29, 10178 Berlin!

The complex of state surveillance and its associated impacts is currently more relevant than ever. Currently, there is a discussion about a planned EU regulation called „Chatkontrolle“ (chat control), which is intended to require providers of messenger services and even emails to automatically check photos, videos, and other content sent or uploaded by their users for depictions of child abuse. If potential crimes are identified, they are to be automatically reported to law enforcement authorities. However, the proposal drew a storm of outrage from child protection advocates, the business sector, IT professionals, and civil rights activists. Criticisms include the view that the intrusion into privacy is considered disproportionate, the proposal is technically difficult to implement, and it does not appear to be effective in the fight against sexual violence. Moreover, the scanning technology required for such a measure could potentially have negative consequences for users, making the internet and digital society less safe for everyone.

In the past, the dangers associated with surveillance software have become evident. In 2021, an international investigative team reported for the first time on the spyware Pegasus and the extent to which governments in many countries have used it to spy on journalists, human rights activists, lawyers, and politicians on a large scale.

We are pleased to welcome Anna Biselli, Co-Editor-in-Chief of Netzpolitik.org and an acknowledged expert in the field of state surveillance, to our foundation on December 5, 2023, at 5:30 p.m. Together with you and Anna Biselli, we want to discuss the following questions, among others: What dangers does surveillance software pose? What impact can this have on our everyday lives? To what extent can chat control be an attack on our fundamental rights? What role does the surveillance industry play in new laws concerning state surveillance, and how regulated is the market? How is it even decided what or who is subject to particularly intensive surveillance? Can third parties access collected data?

We would be delighted to have you participate. We kindly request a binding registration by December 4, 2023, either online or by email.

Best regards,

Schwarzkopf-Foundation Young Europe

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