Young people strengthen European solidarity. That is why we strengthen them.

We offer young Europeans opportunities for exchanges, for personal development and for active participation in civil society.

Upcoming Events


  • First Young European Security Conference successfully implemented

    At the first edition of the conference, 200 young people from 31 countries discussed key security policy issues over two days. In working groups on geographical regions and topics such as technology, the environment, and transatlantic relations, they developed own solutions and proposals. First impressions of the conference and more information on the project can be found here.

  • Join the European Youth Parliament as a ESC Volunteer

    The EYP is one of Europe’s largest youth platforms for civic education, intercultural encounters, and the exchange of ideas – run by young people, for young people. The EYP office is now looking for four volunteers to join their work in Berlin!

  • International Holocaust Remembrace Day 2025

    On the occasion of this year’s International Holocaust Remembrance Day, the foundation was part of a commemorative event at Gleis 17 in Berlin. The gathering was initiated by representatives from major Berlin football clubs and the MANEO initiative, which supports victims of violence against the LGBTQIA+ community and actively works against Antisemitism.

Our Youth Networks

  • European Youth Parliament

    As one of the largest youth organisations in Europe, EYP is a network by young people, for young people. EYP connects youth across borders and offers spaces for political debates, personal development, and exchanging ideas.
  • Young Islam Conference

    In this dialogue forum, young people from different backgrounds and with diverse biographies can discuss topics concerning our migration society and help shape the discourse of a pluralistic society.
  • Understanding Europe

    The European educational network supports young volunteers in their commitment to democracy, diversity and participation. Using a peer-to-peer approach, they bring democratic citizenship education into classrooms across Europe.

Our Topics

  • Youth Participation

    Young people are the focus of our work. As participants, trainers and multipliers, they shape our programmes — and the future of Europe.

  • Europe

    For us, Europe is an idea. “Thinking European” means understanding that plurality is an opportunity — to look beyond our own horizons.

  • Migration Societies

    We promote post-migrant perspectives to reflect our pluralistic society — but this recognition is still lagging behind.

  • Democratic Citizenship Education

    Democratic citizenship education means strengthening participation — in political processes in Europe and in our communities.

Young European of the Year 2024

Munira Mohamud

Munira Mohamud is Young European of the Year 2024! Munira, 23, from Austria is an activist and artist who completed her degree in political science and is currently studying sinology. Her academic, artistic, and activist practice addresses racism and social injustices, identity, international relations, and community building from an intersectional perspective
