Events Archive

  • PalaisPopulaire, Unter den Linden 5, 10117 Berlin

    The EU enlargement as a geopolitical necessity?

    We are pleased to welcome Dr. Anna Lührmann, Minister of State for Europe and Climate at the Federal Foreign Office, together with the Alfred Herrhausen Society on November 21, 2023 at 5:30 PM at the PalaisPopulaire.

  • in der Schwarzkopf-Stiftung, Sophienstr. 28/29, 10178 Berlin

    The delayed energy transition – obstacles, challenges, and opportunities

    Mit Christine Schmidt

    We are delighted to invite you to a panel discussion on Monday, November 13, 2023, with Christine Schmidt, the executive director of the Association for Vocational Education Research and an expert in corporate and vocational research, at the Schwarzkopf Foundation Young Europe, located at Sophienstraße 28/29, 10178 Berlin.

  • Allianz Forum, Pariser Platz 6, 10117 Berlin

    Impulses for a Europe fit for the future – Europe Speech 2023

    Mit Roberta Metsola (President of the European Parliament) and Philipp Lahm (Managing Director DFB Euro GmbH, Chief Organiser for Euro 2024)

    We are pleased to invite you to the traditional Konrad Adenauer Foundation Europe Speech at the Allianz Forum on 9 November at 6 pm. This year's Europe Speech will be held by the President of the European Parliament, Roberta Metsola. Ms Metsola, who is committed to a united and modern Europe, will give impulses for a future-proof Europe during her Europe speech and answer questions from the audience afterwards.

  • Young and in the Bundestag – a new generation in the parliament

    Mit Catarina dos Santos-Wintz (MdB CDU), Emily Vontz (MdB SPD), Phillip Hartewig (MdB FDP)

    We are pleased to invite you to a discussion on Wednesday, October 18, 2023, with the young representatives Catarina dos Santos-Wintz (CDU), Emily Vontz (SPD), Philipp Hartewig (FDP), and TBA (Büdnis 90/die Grünen) at the Reinhardtstraßen-Höfe, room 1, Reinhardtstraße 12, 10117 Berlin. With an average age of around 47 years, the (…)

  • Schwarzkopf-Stiftung, Sophienstr. 28/29, 10178 Berlin

    „Lebewohl, Martha“ – Reading with Ingke Brodersen

    Mit Ingke Brodersen

    24 Disappeared. Deported from the house where Ingke Brodersen lives. A "Judenhaus." Some flee, others hide. The historian tells the stories of those. And of those who seek refuge today.
