Migration, as an inherent part of our democracy, shapes European history and is shaping our society. Fundamental values – such as respect and openness – are increasingly being challenged by anti-democratic and authoritarian groups. In the media and in political debates, migration is repeatedly rejected and discrimination against minorities is fostered, even though we have been living in migration societies for years.
While some endanger social cohesion by criticising migration, others are building ever stronger alliances and sharing an inclusive understanding of social integration. We call this perspective “post-migrant” and hope to further this idea. The term ‘post-migrant’ describes a society that is shaped by and through migration. The ‘post’ in this context refers to the phase of social negotiation that we are in today, including important recognition processes. We recognise that migration is a reality in societies, and not the exception. Accordingly, in a post-migrant society, diversity should be understood as normal and antagonism between the ‘foreign’ (the migrant) and the ‘own’ (the nation) has to be overcome. (Sources: BpB; HU Berlin; Naika Foroutan).
For us, ‘dealing with’ migration means recognising the fact that pluralistic life-worlds are a manifest part of our society. Not all realities of life are mapped and represented in European democracies yet. Promoting post-migrant perspectives is, therefore, a critical part of our work.