Summary of Anti-Discrimination Guideline

Schwarzkopf-Stiftung Junges Europa is committed to fostering a diverse, inclusive, and respectful environment for all individuals regardless of race, ethnicity, nationality, gender identity, sexual orientation, age, religion, disability, or any other protected characteristic. The organisation upholds a zero-tolerance policy towards any form of discrimination, harassment, violence, and boundary violations, including micro-aggressions.

The Anti-Discrimination Guideline serve as a comprehensive framework for fostering a fair, equitable, and inclusive workplace. The commitment to ongoing education, reflection, and structural changes ensures a continuous effort towards eliminating discrimination and promoting diversity within the organisation.

Core Principles

  •  Solidarity: Prioritizing the needs and preferences of those affected by discrimination and never trivialising their experiences.
  • Accountability: Each individual is responsible for confronting and addressing discrimination, unlearning biases, and reflecting on their behaviour and thought processes.

Diversity-Oriented Organisational Development (DOOD) 

Since 2020, the DOOD process was implemented to address discrimination at various levels:

  • Process Team: A team representing diverse perspectives to guide and refine the DOOD process.
  • Anti-Discrimination Surveys: Annual surveys to identify and address discrimination within the team.
  • Equal Pay Check: Ensuring equal pay for equal work across genders.
  • Training and Reflection: Regular anti-racism training and reflection sessions for all staff, particularly white-positioned team members and directors.

Education and Training 

  • Annual Training Day: Mandatory training on anti-discrimination, inclusion, and empowerment for all staff.
  • Empowerment: Monthly meetings and workshops for BPoC (Black and People of Color) team members to discuss empowerment and anti-discrimination topics.

Internal Communication 

  • Non-Discriminatory Language: Emphasizing the use of inclusive language, respecting individuals‘ preferred names and pronouns.
  • Person-First and De-Stigmatizing Language: Focusing on the individual rather than their condition or disability.
  • Pronoun Usage: Encouraging the use of correct pronouns and promoting trans allyship through proper introductions and usage.

Working Together in the Office 

  • Gender-Neutral Bathrooms: All bathrooms are gender-neutral.
  • Religious Beliefs: Providing accommodations for religious practices and dietary needs, while prohibiting religious proselytising in the office.
  • Dress Codes: No gender-specific dress requirements.

External Communication and Events 

  • Diversity-Oriented Communication: Guidelines for barrier-free communication and handling instances of hate speech.
  • External Events: Guidelines to ensure diversity-sensitive external events, including considerations for gender ratio, BPoC inclusion, and accessibility.

Recruitment, Inclusion, and Accessibility 

  • Diversity-Oriented Recruitment: Guidelines to promote a diverse and inclusive recruitment process.
  • Action Plan for Inclusion and Accessibility: Commitment to creating an inclusive workplace for all employees.

Care Responsibilities and Work-Life Balance 

  • Flexible Work Arrangements: Supporting employees with care responsibilities through flexible working conditions.

Holidays and Remembrance Days 

  • Celebration of Diverse Holidays: Acknowledging and celebrating diverse holidays within the organisation.

Complaints and Conflict Resolution 

  • Complaints Office: The internal Complaints Office is designated to handle complaints related to discrimination. It ensures a safe, confidential, and accessible process for all employees to report incidents.
